Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Did you ever want to stand next to a mountain lion? What would he do? What would you? In this zoo, we had that opportunity.
I felt sorry for many of the animals in this zoo, as many of them seemed stir crazy. This mountain lion was one of them. He/she paced back and forth.

Did you ever see a giraffe and wish you could slide down its neck? Not to land on the fence, of course, but on a pillow of mulch.
In this zoo, you can.
Did you ever wish  you could live underground with the groundhogs in a labyrinth of tunnels? This zoo found the answer.
Who is the animal on display?
Did you ever pretend you were a butterfly?
Or wish you could swim like a jellyfish?
Zoos around the world find answers to all of our youthful aspirations, trying each day to help us appreciate the wild animals that share this planet with us. If you can, visit your local zoo soon.

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