Monday, September 19, 2011


How do writers get their ideas?
Mine come in various ways--but usually they're presented to me when I'm in certain situations--meaning the basic idea jumps into my head and then it's up to me to flesh out the idea and turn it into a full story. Here is what another author has to say:

Joel Strangis, author of Grandfather's Rock, as quoted in Story Sparkers (by Debbie Dadey & Marcia Thornton Jones).

"The ideas are in  you--they are around you--but you have to listen. Sit down, turn off the television, turn off the radio, turn off the CD player. Now listen--who did you meet today? Yesterday? What did you do? Start writing. Ideas will come--if you will listen.

When I sit down at my computer, the first thing I do is play a game for five to ten minutes (no more) to separate my writing from the rest of my day. This helps me concentrate and open me up for ideas."

It sounds like great advice. I know that personally, I can't write with music on or any of the above distractions.
Happy writing!

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