So, let’s get right to this thing, shall we?
Heather: Sounds good. [smiles politely]
How many novels have you published?
Heather: I have five published romance novels, plus a couple of
novellas, and my newest book is a culinary mystery, Brownies & Betrayal—which has been a totally fun change of pace
and includes yummy scrumptious recipes. My character, Tess is fun and a little
irreverent giving the book a bit of a chick-lit-y feel.
Yum. Culinary mysteries are a hot genre. [Whispers: That means popular.]
And, I love brownies.

A lot of authors like lots of advice. What’s your favorite
bit of writing advice?
Heather: Keep writing. You can’t finish the book or have
it published if you sit back and dream. Don’t be afraid to rewrite or write
crap—it’s the best way to learn.
Nods, then looks off camera. [Whispers: Are we allowed to
say crap online?] I’ve been dreaming of being published for several years now –
so you’re saying that I need to get up and go to work?
Heather: Absolutely.
I’ll keep that in mind. Although you don’t advocate
sitting back and dreaming, everyone needs a break occasionally, even authors.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Heather: Baking. I love to tweak recipes and try new
Mmm, I’m starting to feel hungry. What’s your favorite flavor
of ice cream? That’s one of the four food groups, you know.
Heather: I love Brownies Over the Moon by Farr.
I can’t say that I’ve ever heard of that flavor. Is it by
farr your favorite? haha. A little Farr joke there.
Heather: [frowns]
No. It’s funny. Really. Farr – far [lifts eyebrows]
Heather: If you say so. [smiles patiently, clasps hands
together on table]
Okay, so that didn’t go over very well. Do you like
vegetables? And which one do you think is most vile?
Heather: What does this have to do with writing?
Your newest book – it’s a culinary mystery. That means
there’s food in it. Right?
Heather: [sighs] I detest Jalapeños. I don’t like hot and
spicy things.
Speaking of hot and spicy ... I understand that you knew
a hunk-a, hunk-a college stud-muffin in college. [wiggles eyebrows] Did you get
my culinary reference?
Heather: Oh, I got it all right. [Thrums table with
Well? Tell us more.
Hmmm, there was this guy I worked with in college. He was
seriously hot, and an over-the-top flirt. I based a character in a book (okay,
make that two books) off of him. [smiles slyly] I even used his name when I
wrote the first draft. But he doesn’t read romance so when I finally finish
fixing those books and put them out, he’ll never know it was him.
Very clever. They [the writing powers that be] say to
write who you know – but to change their names to protect the innocent. Doesn’t
sound like he was too innocent though. Eh? [pokes at the air with an elbow]
Heather: I guess not, now that you mention it.
Moving on, what is your writing process after your initial story idea?
Heather: It depends on the book. Some of them I play with
characters and plot ideas and find a setting—.
I’ve heard that it’s not polite to play with your
characters. [looks sternly]
Heather: Some of them I start writing with minimal forethought
and when I start to get past the first burst of inspiration, I go back and fill
in the important details that will make the story sing. My mysteries start with
characters, a dead body and motives galore.
There’s a couple of holes in your story—they don’t sing—hello, people
Heather: Metaphorically, speaking.
Meta who? [shakes head and blinks] This is just too confusing. Let’s
move to something a bit easier. Are you published as an Indie author, or
Heather: I have three novels out with a traditional publisher and have
done the others either indie or with BigWorldNetwork.com, which puts the
books out first in serial format and then later as a complete story—that’s sort
of hybrid: not really mainstream, but not indie, either.
Hm. [nods thoughtfully] That’s something new. I’ve never
heard of hybrid publishing.
Are you a plotter or a pantster?
Heather: I used to be a total pantser. Now I figure out
who my characters are and do a loose plot so I have some direction on where I’m
headed and start writing.
Heather: Sometimes. If I do, I eat whatever is handy.
It’s hard to type with food in my hands, so if I’m feeling really snacky
sometimes I just grab a piece of gum, because I don’t keep a lot of munchies in
the house or at the office.
Smart girl. The keys get kinda sticky if you eat too much
candy while typing.
Heather: Smirks
You’ve been a good sport today, Heather. Will you tell us
about your newest book, Brownies & Betrayal, and give us the links so that
we can learn more about you.
chef Tess Crawford thought moving from Chicago to quiet Silver Springs, Arizona
would simplify her life. That was before she found the body of a woman with
whom she had traded heated words the previous night, left her fingerprints on
the murder weapon, and came under attack for trying to clear her name. When her
cheating ex-fiance shows up, intent on convincing her to come back to work for
him, Tess—armed with an extra batch of éclairs—decides to take control and
solve the mystery herself, with the help of friends and frenemies alike.
But will that be enough to save her
when she gets too close and the killer decides it’s safer to get her out of the
Here are my links:
Twitter: @HeatherJustesen
Thanks! Heather
No, Thank you, Heather. I think I'm off to find some Farr out ice cream.
Heather, don't you love Tina's inquisition?
Actually, I think I've tasted Brownies Over the Moon. It's good but needs some tiny marshmellows and maybe a sprinkling of nuts! (this from a Rocky Road fan.
What a delicious conversation. :)Mmmmm. Cream cheese brownies are the bomb, but I'm always willing to try new kinds. :) Thanks for sharing. :)
Tina, thanks for doing the interview!
Shaunna, Brownies Over the Moon has swirls of marshmallow cream in it (one of the best parts) and I'm not overly fond of nuts, so I don't miss them.
Monique, the sample chapters for this book on are on my blog and they include this brownie recipe--seriously rich and fabulous. You should give it a try.
Thanks for the comments. I'm glad you stopped by for a visit. I, myself am nuts about nuts, pecans and almonds and pistacios. YUM!
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